moving towards zero food waste
Food waste accounts for approximately 3% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and approximately 70% of the 7.6 million tonnes of food waste in Australia every year is edible1.
Bulla is working to achieve zero food waste to landfill in our manufacturing operations by 2030.
taking action on climate change
We know the effects of climate change are already felt by communities and farmers across Australia, and people all around the world. We acknowledge the urgent need to reduce our emissions and to find ways to reduce Bulla’s exposure to ongoing climate events. We currently monitor our scope 1 and 2 emissions monthly, and we are committed to take immediate action across our supply chain where it is hardest to measure and mitigate emissions.
Our goal is to reach a 50% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions and set an emissions mitigation pathway by 20283.
3 From a 2021 baseline
Sustainable packaging
At Bulla, we are committed to reduce the impact of our packaging and to help develop a circular economy for packaging in Australia.
We have set targets to achieve 100% recyclable, compostable or reusable packaging by 2025 and achieve an average 50% recycled content across our packaging by 2030.
our people
As a family-owned Australian business, Bulla is passionate about supporting the wellbeing of our employees, suppliers and giving back to the local communities we operate in.
our practices
We are committed to being accountable for our actions and ensuring sustainability becomes a deciding factor in all we do.