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our planet

taking action on climate change

We know the effects of climate change are already felt by communities and farmers across Australia, and people all around the world. We acknowledge the urgent need to reduce our emissions and to find ways to reduce Bulla’s exposure to ongoing climate events. We currently monitor our scope 1 and 2 emissions monthly, and we are committed to take immediate action across our supply chain where it is hardest to measure and mitigate emissions. Our goal is to reach a 50% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions and set an emissions mitigation pathway by 2028.


what we’ve achieved

Between FY 2011-22, we reduced our scope 1 and 2 intensity by 42% across all company operational sites and reduced our total scope 1 and 2 emissions by 9%.

In 2022, Bulla invested $370k4 to pilot a leading sub metering and monitoring program at our largest ice cream facility. The platform shows real time data to capture when, where and how electricity, gas, steam, water, and waste are being consumed and generated by processing area. This data has been critical in our FY23 energy audit, where over 3,200 tCO2e worth of improvement opportunities were identified. This equates to removing approximately 1092 cars off the road in a year5.

Initiatives will focus on equipment optimisation as well as exploring renewable electricity sources such as solar on our manufacturing sites to better manage and reduce energy usage.


3 From a 2021 baseline

4 funding assisted from Dairy Australia, Food Innovation Australia (FIAL) and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DELWP).

5 This is assuming 20,000km per year driven and 146.5 g CO2e/km, the estimated efficiency of a light SUV

what’s next

In 2024, we will conduct a climate risk screening across our owned assets- this will identify where we need to urgently act to reduce our exposure to climate threats and we will conduct our scope 1, 2 and 3 mitigation modelling to identify further initiatives to tackle the remaining scope 1 and 2 emissions and form our critical scope 3 emissions reduction pathway to tackle our indirect, harder to manage emissions.

Bulla to finalise section based on latest Edge SOW- climate risk screening & mitigation pathway incl. timings.

This section needs to talk to what’s on the horizon so ideally any outcomes from the risk screening etc could be leveraged with whats next

sustainable packaging

At Bulla, we are committed to reduce the impact of our packaging and to help develop a circular economy for packaging in Australia.

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moving towards zero food waste

Bulla is working to achieve zero food waste to landfill in our manufacturing operations by 2030.

learn more